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    Tata AIA Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated)

    Secure your family's future with Tata AIA Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated), a term insurance plan offering life insurance coverage in US dollars. No matter where you are in the world, this plan offers comprehensive coverage, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind for your loved ones. Invest in a secure tomorrow, today.

    Plan Benefits

    • Lower Premium Rates for Women - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Pay Premiums in US Dollars

      With Tata AIA Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated), you can pay the premium for your term plan and receive the benefits in US dollars.

    • Death Benefit Pay-out - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Protection against inflation and fluctuating exchange rates

      Transacting in US Dollars can offer protection against inflation risk and also helps avoid risks associated with fluctuating exchange rates.

    • Flexibility to Choose Plan Option - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Get Whole Life Insurance Coverage

      With Whole Life insurance coverage, you will get life insurance cover till 100 years of age, giving you peace of mind wherever you go.

    • Option to get Income Pay-outs - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Multiple Plan Options

      We offer five plan options with financial coverage at varying levels tailored to your needs. You can choose between them based on your lifestyle, family medical history, occupation, etc., to determine adequate coverage.

    • Maturity Benefits - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Accidental Death Benefit

      Pursuing dreams abroad comes with risks like accidents. In the event of an accidental death, you receive an additional sum assured along with the base sum. Available with Extra Life, Extra Life with Disability Cover, and Comprehensive Plan options.

    • Top-Up Sum Assured - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Accidental Total and Permanent Disability Benefit

      Our Total and Permanent Disability Cover offers a lump sum benefit, waives future premiums, or both, depending on the plan option chosen. It is available with Extra Life with Disability Cover, Health Plus, and Comprehensive Cover. 

    • Critical Illness Benefit

      Moving abroad can increase the risk of critical illness due to family medical history or changes in lifestyle. Our Critical Illness Benefit provides a lump sum amount to cover medical and hospitalization expenses, along with other applicable benefits.

    • Payor Accelerator Benefit

      All the plan options have the Payor Accelerator Benefit, wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base Sum Assured is paid out as a lump sum on acceptance of the Terminal Illness (TI) claim by us. All future premiums will be waived, and your policy will stay active for the remaining benefits.

    • Cover Enhancement Options

      As your financial needs grow, our Life Stage benefit lets you increase coverage when you get married, blessed with your first child and second child, and during home loan disbursal. With our Top-Up sum assured option, you can choose to increase the sum assured by a certain percentage every policy anniversary by paying an additional premium.

    • Renewability Option at Maturity

      If you choose to extend the coverage for your term insurance plan, you can also do that with the renewability option at maturity. It can be exercised for a maximum of five times.

    Why Do You Need a Term Insurance Plan?

    • Lower Premium Rates for Women - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      To Secure Your Family's Financial Future

      If your family is dependent on your earnings for their survival or to accomplish their future financial goals, then it becomes your responsibility to secure their financial future. The financial benefits of your term insurance plan will help them plan for their future commitments in your absence.

    • Death Benefit Pay-out - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      To Clear Off Debts

      If you have availed of loans to pay for your education, purchase a house or a car, or any other personal obligations, the burden of repaying the outstanding amount will move to your family in your absence. With the term insurance benefit, they can clear off your family's liabilities and lead a peaceful life.

    • Flexibility to Choose Plan Option - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      For Flexible Life Insurance Coverage Options

      With a term insurance plan, you can also customise it based on your needs by choosing the policy term, premium payment term, and the applicable plan options to suit your needs.

    • Option to get Income Pay-outs - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      For Additional Protection

      In addition to the basic life cover, you can also enhance the financial protection to cover accidental deaths, total and permanent disability, and critical illnesses. So, the specific and additional protection can cover wide-ranging risks that are life-threatening.


    • Plan Options

      Life Option

      Take control of your life insurance coverage today! With our Life Option, you can get a pure life cover with an extensive sum assured.

      Key Highlights

      ● Decide sum assured at policy inception

      ● Flexible premium payment options and policy tenure

      ● Enhance coverage with Payor Accelerator Benefit for terminal illness

      Extra Life Option

      Enhance your coverage with the Extra Life option, including accidental death benefits to your term policy.

      Key Highlights

      ● Get a death benefit

      ● Get additional coverage for accidental death

      ● Get Payor Accelerator Benefit for terminal illness

      Extra Life with Disability Cover Option

      Elevate your term life insurance coverage with the Extra Life with Disability Cover option, offering both accidental death and total permanent disability benefits.

      Key Highlights

      ● Get a death benefit

      ● Get additional coverage for total and permanent disability due to accident

      ● Future premiums get waived off in case of accidental total and permanent disability

      ● Get additional coverage for accidental death

      ● Get Payor Accelerator Benefit for terminal illness

      Health Plus Option

      Opt for the Health Plus option to add critical illness coverage to your policy. Customise your protection today for a healthier tomorrow!

      Key Highlights

      ● Get a death benefit

      ● Get additional coverage on the diagnosis of a critical illness

      ● Applicable to minor, major, and catastrophic critical illnesses

      ● Avail multiple minor claims for different minor critical illnesses

      ● Future premiums waived off in case of accidental total and permanent disability

      ● Get Payor Accelerator Benefit for terminal illness

      Comprehensive Option

      Were you seeking comprehensive protection for your family's financial future? Here you go with our Comprehensive Option to include death, accidental death, total and permanent disability, and critical illness benefits.

      Key Highlights

      ● Get a death benefit

      ● Get additional protection for accidental death and critical illnesses

      ● Get additional coverage for total and permanent disability and also get future premiums waived off

      ● Get Payor Accelerator Benefit for terminal illness

    Why Should NRIs Buy a Term Insurance Plan?


    • 01

      To Safeguard Their Loved Family Members

      NRIs, OCI and PIOs generally move abroad for employment or business opportunities. It can be for a temporary period.

      In that given time frame, an unprecedented event leading to their death can affect their loved ones enormously. A term insurance plan with adequate coverage can be a financial safeguard for their lifetime, serving as a source of income replacement.
    • 02

      For Long-Term Financial Security

      As NRIs chase their dreams, financial protection for their family for the long term can help them focus on their goals. It can help them contribute positively to their responsibilities and lead a peaceful life.
    • 03

      For Worldwide Coverage 

      A term insurance plan purchased by an NRI, OCI, and PIO in India can offer worldwide life insurance coverage. The nominee will be entitled to receive the death benefit if the unexpected death of the policyholder occurs anywhere in the world.
    • 04

      For Life Stage Benefits

      For some reason, NRIs might extend their duration of settlement abroad. With the term insurance plan, they can extend the coverage at different milestones in life, such as when they get married, are blessed with children, etc., for enhanced protection.It is an option that leads to tailored life insurance coverage benefits for changing life circumstances.


    • Who is Eligible to Buy?

      NRIs, OCIs, and PIOs can buy term insurance plans in India, subject to their eligibility criteria as detailed below:

      Non-Resident Indians (NRIs)

      Non-resident Indians are individuals who have their birth or descent in India, hold an Indian passport, and live outside the Indian geographical boundaries or the Republic of India. 

      The eligibility criteria to be called as a Resident Indian as per Section 6 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is as follows:

      1. Spent equal to or more than 182 days in the previous financial year in India

      2. Present in India equal to or more than 60 days in the previous year and equal to or more than 365 days in the 4 years preceding the previous year

      If the above conditions are not applicable to an individual, they are called an NRI.

      Persons Of Indian Origin

      Persons Of India Origin (PIO) are foreign citizens who have ancestral ties with India. Foreign citizens who satisfy the following conditions can be called as PIO:

      1. Held an Indian passport at any time

      2. Not a citizen of Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Iran, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh

      3. Based on the Citizenship Act of 1955 or the Constitution of India, any of their parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents had their birth and were permanent residents of India.

      4. Spouse of a PIO or citizen of India.

      Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)

      An Overseas Citizen of India is a Foreign National having Indian origin who can live or work in India indefinitely. 

      According to Section 7A of the Citizenship Act of 1955, persons satisfying the following conditions can be referred to as OCI. 

      1. Was an Indian citizen on or after 26th January 1950

      2. Belonged to a territory that later became a part of India after 15th August 1947

      3. Was eligible to become an Indian citizen on 26th January 1950

      4. Was a minor child of such a citizen, as detailed above.

    Why Choose Tata AIA International?

    • Lower Premium Rates for Women - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Experience the unmatched security and peace of mind with Tata AIA Assurance.

    • Death Benefit Pay-out - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Benefit from flexible, customisable life insurance plans to secure your family's financial future and fulfil their aspirations.

    • Flexibility to Choose Plan Option - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Protect your finances from currency fluctuations with our life insurance plans.

    • Option to get Income Pay-outs - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Invest and receive benefits in globally accepted US Dollars.

    What Are the Benefits of NRI Term Life Insurance Plans?

    • Lower Premium Rates for Women - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Easy Purchase with Minimal Documentation

      As an NRI, OCI, or PIO, you are not mandated to be present in India to purchase the term insurance plan. You can purchase it from your country of residence through simple and secured online process.

    • Death Benefit Pay-out - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Telemedical check-up

      If you decide to buy term insurance and are currently residing abroad, you can utilise the telemedical check-up options to get your medical examination for the term insurance plan. You can schedule an appointment online at your convenience and upload the necessary medical reports for the examination.

    • Flexibility to Choose Plan Option - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Hassle-free claim processes

      The process to raise a term insurance claim is hassle-free online. You will just have to fill out the claim intimation form, upload the necessary documents, and register for the claim settlement.

    • Option to get Income Pay-outs - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Various premium payment methods

      Furthermore, you can choose between the Single Pay, Regular Pay, and Limited Pay options with monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annual payment frequencies for the Regular and Limited Pay options.

    • Maturity Benefits - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Customised Coverage and Policy Tenure

      Financial requirements can never be the same for individual families. For a term insurance policy, you can decide on the extent of life insurance coverage required and for what period. 

    • Top-Up Sum Assured - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

      Affordable Premium Rates

      Term insurance plans are available at affordable premium rates and if you decide to purchase it at a younger age, you can benefit from even lower premiums, considering the healthy life and lesser risk.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    General Policy Cover Claim

    Can NRIs buy term insurance plans in India?

    NRIs are eligible to purchase a term insurance plan in India. With our Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated) plan, they can invest and benefit in US dollars. In addition, they can customise it based on their needs, choosing the life insurance coverage, policy tenure, and premium payment option.

    Is it mandatory for NRIs, OCIs, or PIOs, to be present in India to buy term insurance?

    No, it is not mandatory for them to be present in India for the purchase. They can apply online, take the telemedical/video health check-up, and upload the necessary documents from their country of residence to buy term insurance online.

    Will the term insurance proceeds be provided to my nominee if they change their country?

    Yes, your nominee will be eligible to receive the term insurance benefits even if they change their country of residence. However, the change in the residence has to be communicated for any process changes.

    Can an OCI buy a term insurance plan in India?

    NRIs, PIOs, and OCIs can purchase term insurance in India, subject to fulfilling their eligibility conditions.

    How does the US-denominated term insurance plan help NRI, OCI, and PIO policyholders?

    The US-denominated term insurance plans allow the policyholders to invest and receive the benefits in US dollars. Being a stable currency, it can protect the coverage benefits against inflation and exchange rate fluctuations during the long term.

    What is the additional premium that I have to pay if I choose to renew my Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated) plan?

    The additional premium will be based on the attained age at the time of maturity and the chosen increase in the policy term.

    What are the premium payment options applicable to Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated)?

    The applicable premium payment options for Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated) are:

    • Single Pay - With single pay, you can make the premium payment as a single payment lump sum at policy inception.
    • Regular Pay - With regular pay, you can pay the premium monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually for the applicable policy tenure.
    • Limited Pay - With limited pay, you can pay the premium monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually for a limited term of the entire policy tenure.
    • While the premium payment gets completed within the stipulated period, the coverage will remain active throughout the policy tenure.

    What is the term insurance coverage applicable in Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated) after availing of the Payor Accelerator Benefit?

    If the death claim is raised after receiving the Payor Accelerator Benefit, the applicable death benefit will be reduced by the amount already paid.

    What can be the percentage of increase under the Top-Up Sum Assured option?

    The sum assured can be increased by a fixed percentage ranging from 5% to 20% of the base sum assured decided at inception every year. However, it is subject to the policy terms and conditions. Refer to the brochure for more details.

    How to initiate a claim for the term insurance for NRIs online?

    The nominee can raise a claim online at our Online Intimation Page or Connect with Us for further queries.

    How is the term insurance claim settled?

    The term insurance proceeds for the Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated) will be settled in US dollars. It is settled upon verification of the necessary documents and the applicable settlement guidelines. You can Connect with Us for more details.


    • Tata AIA Life Protect Supreme (USD Denominated) - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Product (UIN: TALN001V01) Tata AIA Life Insurance Company, IFSC Branch (IIO) Branch (Reg No: IFSCA/IIO/008/2023-24)
    • NRI can purchase the policy when in India
    • Insurance cover is available under this product. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read Sales Brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
    • This plan offers pure risk premium option along with other benefits. Please refer sales brochure for complete details.
    • The products are underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited, IFSC Branch.
    • This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan, and it will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
    • Buying a Life Insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs, and the Surrender Value payable may be less than all the Premiums Paid.
    • Tata AIA International is Tata AIA Life Insurance Company, IFSC Branch (IIO)
    • In case of sub-standard lives, extra premiums will be charged as per our underwriting guidelines. Buying a Life Insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs, and the Surrender Value payable may be less than the all the Premiums Paid
    • For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read Sales Brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
    • L&C/IIO/2024/Aug/0026